Here I am, a French painter with this abundant heritage of all the French impressionist painters. I will find a way, with my heart, to pass on this heritage through my paintings to the next generation.
- “Cap d’Antibes” behind the scenes“Cap d’Antibes” painting
A painter’s Journey
-My love? I’m going to paint today, I have just enough time to put my colors in my bag and pick up my easel.
Here I am in front of my canvas in “plein air” and I paint – I paint what I see with my eyes. But where are the colors? Where is the light? I thought I put them in my bag when I left… My love? I have to find my colours, I have to find the light, we have to go!
Let’s go where the colors are and let’s go quickly where the light is!

Antoine is playing, playing in “Plein air” with the space, the light and with the elements.
For him, painting is a matter of sensations, of impressions.
The sea plays with him. A moment of calm, another of restlessness… Always changing and always surprising!
The cliffs lend themselves to the game. Leaving him no rest while displaying their multiple facets with the complicity of the sun.
It was that moment where nature gave him a lesson in freedom and invited him, with his easel behind him and lead him in “Plein air”…

This passion drives Antoine to be closer to nature, to the elements, to the colors…
The adventure of Painting and the strength of this attraction, he wants to share with you.
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