Blog Famous Artists stories in few words

Claude Monet in a few words

Claude Monet was a painter who inspired me a lot and who still inspires me today.

Claude Monet
Claude Monet 1840-1926

He was one of the French painters who started the Impressionist movement by painting in the “plein air”. He painted what he saw, he painted the reflection of light. To be able to paint in plein air the objects and shapes that he saw, it was necessary to develop a quick brushstroke technique that gives the impression of realism while being approximate.

Claude Monet studio boat
Claude Monet studio boat

He loved to settle in a place taking with him several paintings in progress and throughout the day, on the morning, at noon and in the evening, he would go from one canvas to another to continue the paintings started the day before at the same hour. He’s the painter of light.

  Claude Monet's Water Lilies evening light effect
Claude Monet’s Water Lilies evening light effect

The subject is of secondary importance to me; I want to represent what lives between the object and me. Claude Monet.

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