Behind the scenes – Artist working environment

Me picking some colors for my painting at the top of the capeDiscover the working environment of all of my  paintings, photos, videos and locations of places. Sometimes it’s a beautiful day, sometimes it’s hot and sometimes the weather is bad and it’s cold.

You literally go behind the scenes.

It is very important for me to work “En Plein Air” because it allows to have a feeling and also a spontaneous approach of the painting.

Sometimes the weather is hot, sometimes cold, sometimes it’s very windy, and all these things change the way of painting, even the brush stroke.

That’s why I wanted to keep a trace of all of the places where my paintings were painted.

Moreover on the back of each painting you will be able to find the direct link behind the scenes of the painting.

You can see all of the posts “Artist working environment – Behind the scenes”click here

If you want to learn a little bit more about me go to My life – My work